Wanted: Genius Carrier Sales Reps


Circuit Genius is always looking for strategic partnerships with experienced telecom sales reps. We strive to create an environment where everyone wins, and walks away with higher sales and commissions.



Let’s face it, if you work directly for a carrier, you can only sell that carrier’s products. What happens when a client a service that your carrier can’t provide? You could lose the entire sale, or at best, you have to send clients to another provider for a portion of the sale, meaning you lose that added commission and risk falling short of that month’s sales quota.


Circuit Genius offers carrier sales reps an opportunity to keep their day job, make the sale, and earn a commission return that is often 200% more than what a carrier provides. Everyone wins when the client is happy, your boss is happy, and you walk away with a sale and extra commission, in addition to the sale you made for your company.



Meet John. He works for one of the big providers, and one of his clients needs a service his company doesn’t offer. If he could close the sale, it would be worth $2000 in commission, but because he couldn’t meet the request, the sale is lost, the quota is missed, he’s written up for review and the relationship with the client is gone. If John had partnered with Circuit Genius, he could have delivered exactly what the customer needed, blending services from his employer and other carriers, offering a complete solution and creating a lasting customer relationship. John could make double the commission, which means a $4000 return on an otherwise lost sale.


Have we sparked your genius sales brain?

Use the form below to tell us a little bit about you. We keep all inquiries confidential. We welcome carrier reps and independent contractors to apply. Circuit Genius will reach out if we feel you have the smarts to join our team.


Sales Rep Partnership Application

  • Best number to reach you.
  • Please upload a current copy of your resume. You may upload up to 3 documents, if you also have a cover letter or other relevant document describing your experience and skills.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, doc, txt, xlsx.